Sunday, January 16, 2011


Last minute plan. Seriously LAST MINUTE! Our planned actually just breakfast at Kg Jawa but ttbe dtg plak idea nk ke melaka. So, after had our breakfast @KJ, tros menuju ke umah jejaka and gerak. Just me, farah, sha, kotas and ihsan. We used the old jalan bcoz kecik said if gune highway, mmg 2jam stuck dr tol ke bandar hilir. hoho.
So nya, smpai je Melaka.. tros menuju ke Dataran Pahlawan. I bought new bag for college. weehuu. and then tros berjalan jalan and jalan. sempat jugak kami menonton KHURAFAT. duhh. xde la best mane punnnn. seriously x best!
Bile malam, we went to jonker walk. ok, sy loser sb first time g sana. hahaha. and agak batak okeeeyhhh! and i've met mamat kat sane. sgt x sengaja! haha.
Conclusion, from noon until midnight kami spent time kat melaka. woot woot. thanks kwn2 segamat ;)

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