Wednesday, June 3, 2009


1. If u can be an animal, what will u be? - starfish. hahahaha

2. If u robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money? - hurmm. invest. n then make sure duit tu dh byk smpai dh cnfirm duit tu xkan abes smpai mati br bleh blanja gile2. :p 3. If u can teleport urself anywhere in the world, where do you want to be and why? - venice. ntah. nk romantik kot. hahahahaha 4. If u know that u're dying, what is the last meal that u want? - xde mood nk mkn. baik aku smbhyg taubat. hahaha 5. If u can only kill one person in this world, who is the person and why? - ntah. mmg xde niat nk bunuh org pun 6. If u can choose either wanna have more than 24hour a day or live more than 100years, what is ur choice and why? - live more than 100years if my family pun live more than 100yrs. 7. If u can have a date with a celebrity, who is that person and why? - justin timberlake. ofcourse sbb rupenya. hahaha 8. If u have the opportunity to tagged 7 of ur friends, who could they be? and why? all my followers. sbb drg followers saya. hahaha

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